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amsterdam based
creative studio

we are




studio studio

At Notion, we create visually stunning stories that seize your audience's attention. Our approach is simple: we ask bold questions, challenge assumptions, and eagerly adopt the latest trends and innovations in digital film and content creation, delivering results that overturn the status quo. Whether you're an established brand or a mission driven non-profit, we own the expertise and creative insights to transform your vision into impactful visual narratives.

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crafts crafts

Our full-service film production studio bundles creativity, where exceptional skills and deep specialization unite. We understand the power of great narratives, which require great services. Our team of passionate experts has the knowledge to build your production from the ground up. We bring your vision to life by crafting striking concepts and stunning visual assets. Through immersive edits, striking animations, and mind-blowing film shoots, we deliver exceptional content that captivates your audience.

a glimpse of

our work



work work

climate solutions


guided biofilm therapy

samen uit,
samen thuis

tommy hilfiger

echte gooische moeders


philips hue
lowvolt outdoor

syrian youth

elke dag 1

on the road

dilemma videos

steel de

2DOC: half an

2DOC: oorlogskinderen




wat zijn

south sudan


10.000 meisjes
naar school



tv commercial

rtl 4 ident
albert heijn



cases cases

Step behind the scenes of our projects and explore our productions. From ideation to execution, we showcase the story behind each case, offering an in-depth look at our creative processes. Take a deep dive into the evolution of Notion’s productions, from the first spark that ignited a project to the final touches that bring it to life.

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more important



future future

Recognizing our industry's potential impact on the environment and society, we are committed to responsible content production. We learn from sustainability-focused projects, especially those for dedicated clients, and continually refine our processes with these insights. This commitment influences all aspects of our operations—from choosing or foregoing projects, and steps in production to adopting energy-efficient practices in our content creation. We believe that creative production shouldn't compromise the world we live in. Thus, we are dedicated to minimizing our ecological and social footprint while delivering high-quality, impactful content.

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    samsung installer

    Samsung launched a campaign to recruit new heat pump installers, portraying them as heroes. Notion contributed to the visual effects in these videos, resulting in a fresh and tech-savvy look and feel. The campaign aims to highlight the vital role of installers in advancing sustainable heating solutions.

    efteling wensbron

    A wishing well in Efteling, a magical place where millions of visitors annually donate to Save the Children's important 'Team Up' program. On behalf of Save the Children and in collaboration with Efteling, we have created a cheerful short film to promote this special location.

    guided biofilm therapy

    Guided Biofilm Therapy, a revolutionary product in dentistry. A technique that must be seen by specialists within the industry. This product is brought to life with a colourful and friendly-looking 3D animation. Together with the great team of, we have made this animation to showcase the functionality and unique properties of each product.

    samen uit, samen thuis

    That it's never too late to make an attempt to find true love is demonstrated by RTL 4 in the new tv-show 'Samen uit, Samen thuis?' In this show a number of people over 45 get the chance to make their dream trip to a place that has been on their bucket list for years - along with three potential love interests. For Fremantle Nederland, we developed a complete broadcast package.

    tommy hilfiger watches

    Tommy Hilfiger, global fashion brand and also creator of stylish contemporary watches, launched an incredible new line of trendy watches. Together with, we made these films entirely in 3D zooming in on the smallest details showing the beauty of these watches.

    echte gooische moeders

    Echte Gooische Moeders. The group of girlfriends from ‘Het Gooi’ have been a direct hit in ratings since the start of the show, and continue to score season after season. From the very first season, we have been involved. We developed the format's broadcast package, and our colorists graded every episode.

    prangende vragen

    The Dutch Red Cross's online explainer format has long been a rich source of information and current events. This is an entertaining and visually appealing format for which we, as the producers, laid the foundation and continue to manage the entire production to this day, commissioned by and in collaboration with the Red Cross.

    hue LowVolt outdoor

    With HUE, you bring the crème de la crème not just into your home, but also into your garden. Top-tier smart lighting for outdoor use. In collaboration with Lukkien, we created various promotional and explanatory video's to promote this new line of colourful lighting products.

    syrian youth

    Since the outbreak of the war in Syria in 2011, there has been a large influx of refugees, including many children. These children are often traumatized and scarred by the war, carrying stories with them forever. We've produced this video to promote a study on the mental health of Syrian children in the Netherlands.

    elke dag 1

    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are often considered the same, but nothing could be further from the truth. Living with type 1 is fundamentally different, presenting a significant daily challenge that patients cannot escape. We developed a three-part portrait series featuring various patients, capturing the diverse aspects of their experiences in a caring way.

    On the road again TVC

    Feenstra, always on the move towards a sustainable future. As a leading installer in the Netherlands, they pave the way for sustainability, crisscrossing the country. From large projects to homes, together with their team of cheerful and diligent technicians, they work hard on this important mission. This fact formed the basis for our commercial, which we developed from start to finish with our strategic alliance Scherpschutters.

    dillema video's

    Just 30 minutes of walking per day is already a big win for your mental and physical health. A healthy lifestyle starts with yourself. What choice will you make? That is the basis of this campaign for Zorg van de Zaak. In collaboration with TEN Content Agency, we have developed this series of short dilemma videos.

    steel de showroom

    In 'Steel de Showroom,' interior-influencers are tasked each episode with transforming an empty showroom into a fantastic dream home in a short time. For Lumz, we produced this entire series of nine episodes.

    Half an American

    This documentary follows Cor and Wanda, all they know about their fathers is that they must have been Black American soldiers. Half an American tells the history of World War II and discrimination in the USA and the Netherlands, seen through the eyes of people who have experienced it themselves. Notion was responsible for the complete post-production for this documentary.

    2DOC: oorlogskinderen

    "Oorlogskinderen", Dutch for war children, follows four individuals who were born just after the Second World War and have suspected their whole lives that their unknown father was a soldier. The trail leads to Canada, America, and France. But only thanks to the latest DNA techniques the mystery is finally solved. Who was their father? Notion was responsible for the complete post-production for this documentary for WNL.

    vliegeractie afghanistan

    Launching a kite as a child, contemplating the fate of some children in parts of the world where they cannot be as protected as in the safe west. For Save the Children, we produced a series of beautiful films for this symbolic and meaningful campaign.


    Brainstorm, a scientific kids TV-show where everything revolves around your brain and mind. In this interactive program, 3D animations play a prominent role to explain difficult subjects, we produced all the graphical content for this show including the leader.

    usb docking

    Also getting tired of all those cables on your desk? Philips monitors now have the functionality to connect all your devices via a single cable, quite neat right? Together with the great team of, we have created this animation to explain the features of this functionality.

    college voor de rechten van de mens

    When you hear Human rights. What do you think of? Probably violations elsewhere, but even in the Netherlands, human rights are under pressure. For the Dutch Human Rights Commission, we developed the brand film and produced it from start to finish.

    south sudan

    South Sudan, a country with many challenges from hunger and poverty to floods and conflicts. Children, unfortunately, often fall victim to this bleak situation. Save the Children is committed to protecting children in South Sudan. Together with the organization, we traveled to produce various content for a campaign in the Netherlands aimed at awareness and fundraising.

    ukrainian children

    Since the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, many people, including many children, have fled. They find refuge in various parts of the world, including Italy, where they are cared for. To support a major study on the mental health of children, we captured their stories on-site and created a content package for Save the Children.

    10.000 meisjes naar school

    Education, the best investment in a girl's future. One would think it should be obvious, yet, unfortunately, it often isn't. Cordaid started a campaign to raise money, the goal was to send 10,000 girls back to school. In great collaboration with Fremantle Media we did all the post production for this project.


    Together with we have made this animation to show the strength of the motor and the sharpness of the blades of this blender. By only showing the blades and the motor, this video can be used as a generic film for multiple products.

    GAMMA Goudjacht

    Through this campaign, GAMMA is giving away a gold bar worth 25 thousand euros. The gold bar is hidden somewhere in the Netherlands. Whoever finds the gold bar first gets to keep it. For this campaign, TEN Content Agency developed a fictional promo. Notion took care of the post-production. From the edit to VFX & grading.

    tuurlijk tvc

    Taking an extra step... Natural for Feenstra technicians, but really appreciated by the customer. This is the basis for a campaign we developed for Feenstra: 'Tuurlijk'. In this TV commercial, the emphasis is on the human touch, with recognizable interactions with customers setting the tone. In addition to the TV commercial, the campaign consists of online, social, and radio commercials. From concept, creation, production to post, together with our Scherpschutters alliance we have taken care of everything.

    rtl 4 ident albert heijn

    The Easter brunch, an annual tradition enjoyed by many Dutch people. Around these holidays, Albert Heijn traditionally launches a relevant campaign. We have created this ident for RTL4, which is shown at the beginning and end of a commercial break.